the adept blog Because Imparting Knowledge Propels People Towards Growth Recent Blogs Uncategorized 15 excellent words to describe yourself in a job interview Uncategorized You’ll be ‘ghosted’ by recruiters if you don’t do these 5 things. Uncategorized 7 ways to get the job you want (and what not to say) – according to recruiters. Uncategorized How long is too long at one job? How short is too short? Microsoft’s ex-VP of HR explains. Uncategorized These Common Job Description Phrases Are Red Flags. Uncategorized This simple job interview trick can help you get hired ‘on the spot,’ says 19-year recruiting pro—but most people skip it. Older Blogs Uncategorized 15 excellent words to describe yourself in a job interview Uncategorized You’ll be ‘ghosted’ by recruiters if you don’t do these 5 things. Uncategorized 7 ways to get the job you want (and what not to say) – according to recruiters. Uncategorized How long is too long at one job? How short is too short? Microsoft’s ex-VP of HR explains. Uncategorized These Common Job Description Phrases Are Red Flags. Uncategorized This simple job interview trick can help you get hired ‘on the spot,’ says 19-year recruiting pro—but most people skip it. Uncategorized 6 Phrases Good Negotiators Use To Get Whatever They Want. Uncategorized 5 negotiation tips to maximize your salary (even when hiring managers want to pay less) Uncategorized Master The 3 Questions You Will Always Get In Your First Round Interview. 1 2 3 4